Thursday, 14 March 2013


Learners involved in the implementation of the project are here presenting the Best Practices related to the re-using of wasted materials like glass, metal, paper, wood, etc. Also, some Best Practices from the local and the wider community are being presented here as good examples that could stimulate people to get involved in the reuse of wasted materials, and also as material and tools useful for educational purposes in informal and non-formal edult education activities.
The Best Practices are (click on to open it):
1) "Corfu Recycling", "Clean up Greece" & "Elvian SA";
2) "Electro Cycle", "Give it as a Gift - Hariseto", "Junky Styling - Reconstructed Clothing";
3) Evgenia Evgenidou - "Decorative art objects out of scraps";
4) Stavros Giavasidis - "Making art out of construction, industry and natural materials";
5) Elsa Pakopoulou -"Recycling materials to Hats & Bags".

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Among the project's outcomes it is foreseen a research about specific wastes - choosen by each partner - so as to find innovative solutions that will decrease the volume of wasted materials originated by any industrial or urban activity.
On this regard, Epimorfotiki Kilkis sm llc asked for the support and the scientific collaboration of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia and more precisely the Ass. Prof. G. Skodras.
The first step was to choose the wasted material to work with. The materials chosen were the PAPER and the GLASS.
The results of the research were presened by Ass. Prof. G. Skodras during a workshop organized on purpose within the partners' meeting in Zwickau (DE) on 12th of December 2012.

Monday, 14 January 2013

International Exhibition Handbook

This handbook will present the implementation of this exhibition with impressions and feedback from the involved to offer everyone who was not able to participate the exhibition in Greece the opportunity to make up.
In the handbook you could find a detailed list of all exhibits and its artists with images and descriptions which represents the main part of this documentation. Later on there is an evaluation partband its analysis included to prove the exhibitions success. This is also possible by a view into the guestbook and feedback from organizers, artists and visitors.

Click here to download the Handbook.

© Epimorfotiki Kilkis SM LLC, August Horch Akademie, Audit Conseil Expertise Formation

This documentation and the project “VWM – The value of wasted materials” has been funded by the European Commission as a Leonardo Learning Partnership under the Lifelong Learning Programme from 2011 to 2013.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Best Practices on the reusing of wasted materials - the example of Mrs. Chrysa Polyzou

Mrs. Chrysa Polyzou is a juwellery designer specialised in the recycling of wasted materials like paper, wood, pvc, metal and fabric. The value increases by the fact that each product is eco-chic, handmade, and planet-friendly. It is always a surprise to see what is being used and what it will be used next.

Chrysa's moto is: “One man’s trash is another woman’s treasure”

Reducing the volume of wasted materials - The example of glass and paper

A presentation made by Ass. Prof. G. Skodras in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Western Macedonia, during the partners meeting in Zwickau (DE).